Tag Archives: Targeted Individuals

Some Important Points _2: What is the evil spoken about me and The Sin you commit by believing them


I.  What is the evil that they speak about me? [ My Guesstimate ]


  •      At the Workplace: They tell the following lies about me (Lies 1,2, & 3)
  •      At any other place (Residential neighborhood, Church (Religious place), Social Place (e.g. Grocery Store, Bank etc) (Lies 2 & 3)
1 Attack on the persons skills Some tips on their tactics (i.e. tactics used by the SS war on Citizens)
He is not good at his work They either speak plain lies; or try to create a situation so that you believe. E.g. they will load the victim with work so that errors occur or it take a lot of time to complete the job
He is slow in his job
They will just nitpick and look for faults
2 Attack on the persons character
He is a sexual pervert They look for something to hit at the victim; if they don’t find any, they just lie about the victim. They will never provide any evidence, but ask you to do this or that and see for yourself.

So you become the creator of the test, the conductor of the test as well as the evaluator of the test. The tests suggested are mainly to blind side and deceive you. And you never realize it. Just like the audience never realizes that the magician has deceived them.

What if you still don’t believe, they will then continuously repeat the “Test” so that the Victim is continuously harassed and you are mentally fatigued and apathy enters your mind and you believe the lie and are deceived.

He is gay
He is a child molester (Paedophile)
He is possessed and has a demon in him
He is inhuman
He is dishonest & cannot be trusted
He is under criminal investigation; don’t tell him anything if you do so, it will amount to interference in Government work.
3 Attack by portraying a positive as a negative
He is just a sweet talker (they will show a positive in negative light, genuine warmth is portrayed as sweet talker) They say this to prevent you from believing the Victim.

So no matter how many valid counter arguments the victim provides to their lies. You will never believe the victim as a mental block has been created by them in your mind, against what the victim is saying.

When their arguments are weak, they will say => “He is good at convincing anybody, don’t be fooled, don’t believe him”.
If they want that you don’t pay attention to what the Victim is saying, They will say => “Don’t listen to him, it will increase your stress, dont ponder over what he says you will get tension”



II.   What is the sin that common people commit by believing them.


This is how the people believe and trust who they should not trust This what the people should actually do; to avoid being deceived
This is what happens; “THE ENEMY” deceives the people into believing the lies about the “VICTIM” Why do the people not insist on hard proof from “THE ENEMY” against the Victim, People settle for the various stupid tests suggested by “THE ENEMY” this is their number two mistake.
The people should not accept the repeated accusation and the repeated testing of the Victim; they should not allow fraudulent accusations against the Victim. Since they allow fraudulent accusations, this is their number one mistake, i.e. they create a space for the enemy to operate.

It is tantamount to going to court and making accusations without any proof. No court of law will accept this, all courts will throw such cases out. Why do people allow such worthless accusations?

The lies “THE ENEMY” has told the people; causes the people to be worried and concerned. They doubt the Victim, they are wary of the Victim.

“THE ENEMY” then suggests that the people should observe & watch the Victims every move and report to “THE ENEMY”. (This is actually spying on the Victim, on behalf of “The Enemy”, but the people never seem to realize what they are doing, as fear has gripped them)

Then “THE ENEMY” suggests that the people should talk to the Victim to get to know him. But the people are warned by “The Enemy” never to talk about the accusation directly. Even if the Victim does talk about it, the people are trained to avoid direct discussion on the accusations made.


People fail to understand that they have been deceived. This may be because of pride and also the trust the people have in “The Enemy” Remember “The Enemy” sends only a trustworthy person to deceive the people. E.g. It could be an elder in the community, a priest someone who’s word is not challenged or cross questioned by the people.

Since the People are deceived they fail to understand that they have to be worried and concerned about “The Enemy” and be wary about what “The Enemy” is saying.

They need to understand that spying on the Victim and getting the know the Victim will not help as the accusation is false.

Once the people accepts the false accusation, they are trapped and so is the Victim in the game played by “The Enemy”

5_ Intense Persecution Part_3

The Years 2011 – 2017 (i.e till date).

  • Jobless 2011 – 2017 # (Age 40 – 46 yrs)


I am jobless from 2011 till date. i.e. for 6 years. But do you think that the harassment, the persecution, the targeting has ended. No, it has not ended. It still continues, though now in a different arena.

The smear campaign is now conducted and organized in

  • The church I go too,
  • At the place I live (residence) neighbours and other residents have been fed evil stories about me.
  • Even at my child’s school,
  • Even at the bank that I do my financial transactions,
  • At the grocery and other stores that I make daily purchases etc.
  • Even total strangers who do not know me at all and have never met me are fed evil stories about me.

Which means that every part of my life, where I interact with people has been poisoned by these lies and smear campaign launched against me.

I.    Harassment & Persecution at SMRC (Syro Malabar Roman Catholic church)

St Josephs’s Church, 12th Road.

To elaborate the dogs who do this harassment, targeting have spoilt my name in the Church I go to. i.e. Syro Malabar Roman Catholic Church, 12th Road, Off Central Avenue, Chembur (W).

People from the neighboring Roman Catholic Church i.e. OLPS Church also have briefed about me and speak evil about me for no reason.

They all believe the lies told about me i.e. they have been successfully deceived and further spread the lie to others deceiving others as well.

They have been deceived by “THE ENEMY” and go on further deceiving others as unwitting or witting agents of the enemy i.e. knowingly or unknowingly they do evil against me.

II. Problems at time of taking admission for child

Even at the time of taking admissions for my child. There was such a intense smear campaign against my name and they (deceived people) tried to fill the ears of the Sister i.e. Principal of the school.

Now in the school where my daughter studies, there is a continuous intense smear campaign against my name and they are trying to fill the ears of the parents against me.

The main lie they propagate is that I am a child molester, and they sometimes say that I favour both male and female children. There is no limit to their lying.

It does not end with poisoning the minds of the parents against me. The children also have their minds poisoned; they fight with my child and say “Your father is a dirty man” which means now even my child is at the receiving end of this harassment.

  • Yet what surprises me most is that people fall prey and believe what they (the accusers) are saying!!!
  • What is it that makes people believe them?
  • What are the accusers actually saying about me?
  • Who is doing the story telling? Who are the accusers?
  • Why no one cross questions them, where did they i.e. the accusers get their information from?
  • Do you really think that you could never be the next victim? What makes you think that you are safe?

 III.  Poisoning Jul 2017

The harassment has reached a new phase, with the start of poisoning my food. This has been done aggressively.

I blame the “Intelligence Bureau for this poisoning, they use the “Shiv Sena” primarily for support of their activities, also supporting the “Intelligence Bureau” are Hindutva and Roman Catholic people.

Kindly note the handlers of all these people are different and they don’t know are all fighting on the same side against me.

It is the “Intelligence Bureau” which is synchronizing, coordinating and instigating the activities of all the others.

List of poisoning related crimes committed against me.


  1. Friday 14th Jul 2017 – Sugarcane juice stall next to Chembur Railway Station – poisoning incident
  2. Wednesday 19th Jul 2017 – Sugarcane juice stall next to Chembur Railway Station – poisoning incident
  3. Friday 14th Jul 2017 – Hotel Maxim, Shell Colony Road
  4. Friday 21st Jul – Hotel Maxim, Shell Colony Road – poisoning incident
  5. Sunday 30th Jul 2017 – Hotel Navina, Shell Colony Road – poisoning incident
  6. Further Threats given are
  7. Poisoning 5th August – Food from In – Laws
  8. Poisoning 6th August
  9. Poisoning 7th August
  10. Adulterated Milk – 8th Aug   

And the list goes on and on.





A. Friday 14th Jul 2017 – Sugarcane juice stall next to Chembur Railway Station – poisoning incident

Time 1:15 Pm – Sugarcane juice center next to station, owner is Hindu

I entered the sugarcane juice center around 1:15 pm and ordered my glass, there was a customer there who was present before me and was still there even after I left. He wore coded colours i.e. colours that are normally worn by the occultic intel agency, to signal their presence to fellow operatives. It seemed to me that he was there to observe that the poisoning was performed as planned. i.e. Whether the sugarcane juice stall owner did what he had been ordered to do by the agency people and Shiv Sena people.

Then came a beggar woman with a kid and after some haggling with the sugarcane juice stall owner he gave her a small glass of sugarcane juice. And surprisingly she took the glass filled with juice and went away. I saw her crossing the road and the juice stall owner surprisingly did not yell or call her back (as she had taken his glass) – Strange. It seems to me that the beggar woman was sent to collect the juice sample of what had been given to me to consume. i.e. to confirm that I had been poisoned.

B. Wednesday 19th Jul 2017 – Sugarcane juice stall next to Chembur Railway Station – poisoning incident

Time 1:30 pm – Sugarcane juice center next ot station, owner is Hindu

 Just as I was some few meters away from the sugarcane juice center, I noticed an old man with red tilak on his forehead, was looking  at me and as soon as he saw that I was headed towards the Sugarcane juice center, he turned around and entered the sugarcane juice center before me. Apparently to signal to the sugarcane juice center owner that the target person had arrived.

There were already two men and a woman there, I ordered my glass and waited.

The woman was there till I left. She was in coded colours, normally used by cult members if the agency. It seemed to me that she was there to observe that the poisoning was performed as planned. i.e. Whether the sugarcane juice stall owner did what he had been ordered to do by the agency people and Shiv Sena people.

When I was paying the owner. A couple in occultic dress code that people who belong to this cultic agency wear. Note colours and handsigns signal their presence to each other without a word being said (Read about Zersetzung)

The man asked the sugarcane juice center owner if he could get fruit juice, and they spoke a minute and then couple left. This couple it seems to me are part of the agency, and they came to verify if the poisoning was performed or not.



C.  Friday 14th Jul 2017 – Hotel Maxim, Shell Colony Road

Maxim Hotel owner is Christian, Syro Malabar Roman Catholic

Time 8:15 pm before attending evening mass – In the car with Fr Thomas

  • Fr Thomas while giving me lift asked about my wife and me and where both our native place was. (I guess the reason he was asked to do this; was to gauge my relationship with Fr Thomas, a truthful answer will give the enemy a clue that I trust Fr. Trust then indicates to them that they could use Fr to manipulate me, to perform their wishes and desires.
  • Fr Thomas then asked why I dont come for morning 7am English mass, I gave him the reason, to which he inquired if that was the only reason or was there something else.

Time 9:20 pm after Holy Mass – Maxim Hotel, Shell Colony

Owner of Maxim restaurant, in shell Colony – Ex Major in the Army

(2 or 1 cook at the Hotel not sure)

  • Owner of Maxim hotel started reading from bible at the hotel counter as soon as I entered – Very strange behaviour at counter
  • Owner of Maxim hotel told me Fr Thomas was very powerful. I agreed with him I was wondering why is he telling me this.

D.   Friday 21st Jul – Hotel Maxim, Shell Colony Road – poisoning incident

Time 1:30 pm Afternoon – Outside St Joseph SMRC Church – 12th Road.

  • Outside St Joseph church, A guy from OLPS church, Chembur (E). I think Mr Paulson,was stting outside the St Joseph Church entrance. As soon I entered and was removing my shoes, he started talking into the phone. He said “We need to give that guy who just returned from Valinkanni a  gift” (I and my family had gone to Valinkanni in May, so were his words just a coincidence)

Time 9:20 pm Night – Maxim Restaurant Shell Colony


Owner of Maxim restaurant, in shell Colony – Ex Major in the Army

  • Asked me directly “How many years were we married” – I told him the yr
    He then asked “why did I not get married earlier” I found both his questions strange and out of context.
  • He kept repeating Fr Thomas is very powerful Father. Again I was wondering why is he telling me this. But I agreed with him that Fr Thomas was very powerful.
  • He then told me he wanted to attend morning mass and kept repeating again and again that he wanted to attend morning mass, as if waiting for me to say something (I then remembered my conversation With Fr Thomas, that Fr too had asked why I don’t attend morning mass) I told the ex Major that he should attend morning mass. (I understood that someone wanted to know why I don’t attend morning mass and Fr and Maxim were used as their mouth piece. The enemy wants that I should not attend any mass and they are doing their best to stop me, rumours are spread about me told to church goers, rickshaws don’t come etc, even one Shiv sena hindu person is attending mass regularly and observing me 😉 )
  • Now the Maxim restaurant owner, most surprisingly had his medical files with him, he just had an heart attack I think in May 2017. The files detailed his heart problem. He showed me his ECG from the file was other reports etc
    He also explained to me what happened when he got the heart attack, how much it pained, which doctor and hospital he went to etc, I too was asking questions.
  • But why did he have his ECG at the hotel counter, to show me… suddenly out of the blue after 2 months of his heart attack.

The food was given by the cook to the waiter, who then packed it some distance away from me, say table A, I was standing and talking to the owner across the counter.

The waiter then gave me the parcel.

However note that a person B entered the kitchen from outside.

I took the food parcel and went home.

After eating, I was working on the computer, that is when i got the palpitations (heart flutter)

I suspect that the food he gave me was contaminated or poisoned

but by whom… 

Maxim’s cook, or his waiter who did it? I suspect Cook.

Other incidents of contamination, from other sources



The water of entire Cheddhanagar was earlier and sometime even now is still unfit for drinking,

(my wife says do u think ur a VIP, i dont, but i understand they will go to any extent)

Proof_ I can give water samples when i sense contamination or you can talk to any cheddhanagar resident

It is normally a slow kill

But they do accelerate and promote to fast kill

Do read the blog of June Kuwatini you will a get an idea of what these scum can and will do.



E.  Sunday 30th Jul 2017 – Hotel Navina, Shell Colony Road – poisoning incident

Time 9:00 AM – Location Hotel Navina, Shell Colony Road.

One more serious episode of poisoning?

Please note the owner referenced here is the Eldest son. Owner is Latin rite Catholic

After the 7:30 am mass i.e. at about 8:45 am on 30th Jun 2017; I entered Hotel Navina, Shell Colony Road for a cup of coffee.

As soon as I entered a group of south Indian men (I think Tamilians) made signs to each other and pointed at me. They were seated in place marked A.


I went to sit at the rear end of the restaurant opposite person sitting in place marked B.

I asked waiter for coffee he did not bring it, then a little later the person opposite me again told the cooks in the kitchen to give coffee. One of the cook from the kitchen peeked from there to look at me.

Then the other cook kept the coffee on the kitchen slab for the waiter to serve, however the Person “B” picked up the glass and served me.

The person B is known to the owner as both were chatting in some south Indian language (maybe Tamilian)

I drank the coffee and got up to leave, while paying at the counter I saw a hefty man in shorts, seen him the previous week (Sunday). The owner looked at him and excused himself that he had to wait for so long. It seems the hefty guy along with others had done a recon of the hotel the earlier week. And taken the help of the local Tamilian in order to execute the hit.

All persons of the Hotel know about the hit, owner i.e. eldest son, waiter (waiter did not serve me the poisoned stuff) and the cook. And of course person “B”


Further Threats given are

  • Heart attack would be caused
  • Daughter would be harmed


F. Poisoning 5th August  – Food from Relatives

Ate Mutton Paaya given by realtives, my throat started aching. Wife says her throat also was aching, this food was cooked by servants in the house.

G. Poisoning 6th August

Purchased mutton from regular mutton shop, the mutton had a funny metallic taste not like regular taste.

H. Poisoning 7th August

Bread from Bakery was adulterated.

I.  Adulterated Milk –  8th Aug

Milk brought from dairy next to Iyengar Bakery (opposite Corporation Bank)


Once they target a person for harassment or persecution they have already planned a slow kill. Their first step is to disrupt the person’s life and break all his relationships with others. They do this so that the Targeted person will have no one to turn to; they do this to make the Target helpless. Once they have completed the smear campaign and destroyed each and every relationship of the Target, they move to the next step i.e. destroy the Target.

If during the above process the Target fights back, then they move from slow kill to fast kill.

Either way they want to destroy the Target completely, even though the Target has not done anything to them and the Target most of the times does not understand why this is happening to him / her.

In my case they increased the Targeting my getting me removed from my job (the excuse was lack of business) i.e. Financial attack on me due to the joblessness they caused was executed in Oct 2011.

Then now they are trying to poison and fast kill me. This has been happening from Jul 2017. This killing phase is a further acceleration of the Targeting program.



  • 2011 to 2017 (i.e. till date) I am jobless, yet the targeting has not stopped. It continued in church and other social areas of my life.
  • And now lately i.e. Jul 2017 it has intensified by the poison attacks on me.

4_ Intense Persecution Part_2

The Years 2008 to 2011

Jobless & Next with Infrasoft.

[ My Age 37 – 40 years ]

  • Jobless 2008 – 2009 # (Age 37 – 38 yrs)
  • Infrasoft Tech 2009 – 2011 # (Age 38 – 40 yrs)


1. Jobless 2008 to 2009 [My age 37 – 38 yrs]

Fed up with the continuous 3 – 4 years of mental torture at I-Flex (a company related to Citibank, now owned by Oracle and now called OFSS Oracle Financial Services Software) I finally resigned from the I-Flex in 2008. At the time of my resignation, I was 37 years old and still unmarried.

comments This torture is today called “Targeting or Gang Stalking” in USA and I am a Targeted Individual, earlier this same activity was called “Zersetzung” in East Germany and the culprits were the Stasi i.e. the East German Secret Police. I believe this torture is conducted in India by the “Intelligence Bureau” at the behest of the CIA & MI5 who regularly interact and train the intelligence personnel.

I was so much stressed out by the harassment at I-Flex that I resigned hoping to get a breath of fresh air at home, but being jobless was no fun either. Being jobless also increased my stress levels and also further destroyed any chances of settling down and getting married. So I was hit on two fronts. No Naukri (No Job) and No Chokri (No Wife)

Before I resigned from my job at I-flex, it was so difficult to find a match, this was because the people running the Roman Catholic match making agencies were fed some lies and rumors about me.

Causing them to look at me suspiciously, they were concerned and worried with what they heard about me. They wondered if it would be morally correct on their part to find a match for me; this was their mindset because they had been fed lies about my character. Some match making agencies even refused to show me the details (resumes) of prospective brides citing one excuse or another. This was the condition when I had a job.

Without a job, what chance did I have of settling down? None.

So the stress of being jobless, unable to get married at age 37 yrs frustrated me a lot more and caused me to curse all the persons harassing me. It became an addiction, where I even started cursing my family members, even my very own mother and wished that they were all dead. I did this cursing on the smallest of provocations.

Some Roman Catholics at the church and social circles were relentless, they passed various comments and taunts like Bikari (Hindi: Translated => Beggar), he was not confident at his job etc. Some of these people were known to me, some were complete strangers to me. Yet they made statements that hit directly at me, I don’t consider this as a coincidence

megaphone(Read the article on TARGETING, you will realize this is a normal tactic of the SS War on Citizens       [ Silent Secret (SS) War on Citizens ] )

2.  Infrasoft Tech 2009  to 2011  [ My Age 38 – 40 yrs ]


I  had a friend Mr Allwyn Baretto working in the HR department of Infrasoft Technologies, when I lost my job with I-Flex, I used to regularly call him and worry him to find a job for me.

After very many calls, he finally managed to put in a word with his boss and got me into Infrasoft Tech, this was 2009 my age 38 years.

Here too the harassment continued after a month of joining, however I got back into the marriage search and finally got married in 2010.

Note By Harassment I mean I was Targeted and the SS War on Citizens was again active against me.

I started getting more and more work and hours kept getting longer. Then came appraisal time, I was not appraised by my boss Mr Ashutosh Jha,  I suspect that he did not appraise me, as he was given orders to ruin my appraisal, which he didn’t want to do, hence he avoided appraising me. However I did not know this at that time and I was very upset with him.

Another boss this guy a friend of mine i.e. Mr Pranay Singh, did ruin my appraisal and he shared with me that his higher up had ordered him to do so.

Finally after lots of harassment and lots of rumours and lies being spread about me (i.e. called a Smear Campaign) at Infrasoft Tech; they stopped giving me work to do and then finally along with some 100+ other staff they told me I had to leave the organization. The excuse Infrasoft Tech will give is that there was no business, so they had to release me. This story will not be true, as the department in which I had worked previously for 2 years still had plenty of business, all they had to do was to transfer me back to that department.

I was asked to put in my papers which I did. This was in Oct 2011, my age 40 years.

I have not been employed till date.

Also after sometime the friend who got me the job (Mr Allwyn Baretto) he too quit the company. (Or maybe he was asked to leave).

It was while I was working at Infrasoft Tech that I lost my mother. The late hours and the harassment tactics used on me at Infrasoft Tech, deprived my mother of the time that I would have been able to give her. I was just married and was not able to give time even to my wife due to this work hours.

important_announcementsI lost two members of my family, in 2010. I blame the “Silent Secret (SS) War on Citizens” for the death of my mother.

I suspect this was what the people executing the harassment & targeting me wanted. It was part of their plan to disrupt my married life.

The SS War on Citizensis ruthless and does not respect marriages or families, read Zersetzung and learn about this evil. They even make spouses spy on each other.

Note All the people who helped me somehow coincidentally or by malice lost their jobs or left their jobs.

  1. Mr Hubert Joseph – with me in I-flex (now OFSS), his role was HR my role was software testing, he is now in Dubai. He is out of I-flex, I dont know if employed or not
  2. Mrs Sujatha Mohan – with me in I-flex (now OFSS), my ex- boss she refused to believe the lies about me. She is out of I-flex, she is now with RBL Bank
  3. Mr Allwyn Baretto – with me in Infrasoft Tech his role was HR my role was Business Analysis, he got me the Infrasoft Tech job. He is out of Infrasoft Tech, he is now in Goa, I dont know employed or not.
  4. Mr Ashutosh Jha – my ex-boss from Infrasoft Tech, this person did not appraise me, as he did not want to give me a negative rating. He was asked to leave after a year. I think  he is now running his own company.
  5. Mr Pranay Singh – My ex- colleague / boss from Infrasoft Tech, he told me very clearly that a superior had asked that I be given negative ratings in the appraisal. He is still at Infrasoft Tech.



The SS War on Citizens i.e. the Targeting or Gang Stalking or Zersetzung did not stop when I changed the organization I was working for, or even when I was jobless. Only the theatre of the harassment changed, from one company to another company, to social circles in my place of worship i.e. church.

This shows the reach of the people who conduct and organize this war. They have areas of influence almost everywhere be it secret service, politics, religion and even corporate.
I have heard that people have moved or emigrated to different nations and yet the harassment continued in that new place too. I don’t doubt this, I seen their reach and power.




  • I was jobless from 2008 to 2009 , (My age 37 – 38 yrs), during these jobless years the theatre of main harassment shifted office environment to harassment at worship place. Also the people conducting and supporting the harassment were different, in the office it was the management and staff, in the church it was the priesthood (Roman Catholic Bishops) and the laity (common lay people)
  • I worked in Infrasoft Tech 2009 to 2011, (My age 38 – 40 yrs) As soon as I got the job I started looking earnestly for a wife and got settled. But harassment continued at work place. Again the theatre of the main harassment was at the office environment. It was during my employment at Infrasoft that I lost my mother, the effect of the harassment at wok impaired my decision making ability. I was also was not able to give time at home to wife or to my mother due to the late working hours.

2_ The Early stages of Persecution


The Years:  2001 to 2004

(With Citizen Bank) [My Age 30 – 33 years]



  I. The jobless or (small business) period;   Year 1999 to 2001  [ My Age 28 – 30 years ]

Unable to get a job in an airlines, despite being an IATA – UFTAA Standard Course rank holder (Sep 1995). Was trying for four years. Now we look at the following period.            Year 1999 – 2001

After having applied twice to over 20+ airlines in Mumbai. I still did not get a call from even one of them, though I had secured the first rank in the country in IATA- UFTAA (1995).

I continued with my part time studies in MBA, and I also started a class to teach IATA – UFTAA students. This was in 1999 – 2001, my age 28 – 30 years. I was doing reasonably and relatively well in my venture, earning much more in this business, than my last job. This business venture I ran for about 2 years i.e. from 1999 – 2000.  This may be the reason for the comments or taunts of being a business tycoon from my friends; however since I had not officially told any friend that I was running a class. So where did they get the information that I was running a class. Strangely I did not tell them, but they knew it. Huh.

Strangely I was asked to vacate the school premises from where I was conducting the classes by the then parish priest Fr Agnelo Gracias, who is now Bishop, and he gave the same premises to Mr Melky Alvares (Ex Professor of St Xaviers College, Marine lines) And please note Melky never did any IATA – UFTAA course, but he tried to take the same course, in the same room where I was taking the classes, after evicting me with the help of Fr Agnelo Gracias. Where did Melky get the notes for the IATA – UFTAA classes? Why did he need to get me out and conduct the classes in the same room? Was this personal grudge, or business cheating or was this also a part of the harassment?

megaphoneAnswer: This was the working out of the “Silent Secret War on Citizens” i.e. the SS War on Citizens. i.e. the fascist raising its ugly head again. I was a Targeted Individual, a harassed and persecuted individual.


There was pressure at home to stop the business and look for a job. Since I was not getting any offers from the airlines, and I had completed more that 2 years of the 3 year part time degree course in Human Resources. I now started applying for the post of HR – Human Resources in all other industries; this was some time in 2000 – 2001 (My age 29 – 30 years). However still no luck with jobs. I was still not getting any calls from employers.

II.   Working for Citizen Bank: 

Year 2001 to 2004  [ My Age 30 – 33 years ]


Then I applied to Citizen Bank (Now CitizenCredit Cooperative Bank) and got a job there not in HR, but I was to undergo banking training for 1 year and then would be transferred to HR, that is what they told me at the interview.

When at Citizen Bank there was always a rumour about me being a management connected person. I don’t know how or where they got this idea but it was absolutely false.

During the initial years at Citizen Bank, when I was transferred to another branch, the officer of that branch commented that he hoped that I would not create any trouble at his branch. Again this was fake news being fed to the officer, I don’t know where and how he got the idea that I was a trouble maker, as I had not created any trouble in the previous branch that I worked in. These are small examples of the smear campaign that had started against me, yet at that point of time, I did not know it. I just thought that it was a weird thing for the officer to say such a thing. I did not give it much thought. I ignored it.

Initially things were smooth at Citizen Bank, but then I think the management got some (false) information about me. I don’t know from where they got it. But someone from the management told me that there was some news about me that had shaken the management.




Who fed this false information to the management of Citizen Bank?

What “FAKE STORY” was told to the management of Citizen Bank so as to create fear, distrust and concern in their minds?

megaphoneAnswer: This was the working out of the “Silent Secret War on Citizens” i.e. the SS War on Citizens. i.e. the fascist raising its ugly head again. I was a Targeted Individual, a harassed and persecuted individual. However the management of Citizen Bank were not overcome by these lies or their tactics.

However I’d like to say that no matter what was told about me neither the management nor the staff harassed or targeted me. There was just a few incidents from one or two persons at the most from the staff. But overall no harassment, which means that either the people were good or the harassment network had not taken root. I believe the harassment network had not taken root, that is why I was spared harassment at Citizen Bank.

So to conclude; my work life at Citizen was comfortable.


However the same could not be said on the home front i.e. Church and social related life. As I said earlier there were awkward comments and taunts coming from friends e.g. tycoon, me taking over the world etc.


III.  Searching for a Partner in Life 2001 to 2010                      

[ My Age 30 – 39 years ]


The year was 2001, my age at that time was 30 years. I was working in Citizen Bank. Since I had a job in hand I started looking to get settled i.e.to get married.

I applied to various Christian marriage bureaus and magazines, I got many replies and I too replied and met many prospective brides. The meetings followed a standard pattern, on first meet the topic of discussion would range around the information shared in the Marriage Profile email (i.e. resume) shared between us. Topics would cover career, what kind of person she was and what kind of partner she was looking for etc? Would she be okay living with parents? Did she know to cook etc?

From experience I knew that the topics on parents living with us after marriage and cooking was the largest irritant to many prospective brides. So based on how the discussion on these topics went and also based on mutual interest would there be a possibility of a second meeting.

So based on the tone, body language of the prospective bride during the first meeting, I could tell if she would be meeting me a second time. If the lady was interested in you; she would show more interest in you, more eye contact etc and spend more time in the first meeting.

However sometimes strangely a person very much interested in the first meeting would be very cold on the confirmation call for the second meeting. It seemed that someone had put something in their ears, some would talk about tycoon or taking over the world and I would wonder where did that come from!!!

It didn’t take me long to realize that someone was able to know which girls I called and who I had met and what I spoke to that lady. They also had the ability to influence that lady through a source the lady trusted. The message given to the lady was, that I was not the best thing in the world for her and also convince the lady that settling with me, would be disastrous for her. In this way about 10% of the meeting (for prospective brides) was scuttled and sabotaged.

megaphoneAnswer: This was the working out of the “Silent Secret War on Citizens” i.e. the SS War on Citizens. i.e. the fascist raising its ugly head again. I was a Targeted Individual, a harassed and persecuted individual.

Now my question is this; who has the ability to monitor calls, resources to track people and ability to find people to influence them. To execute this activity requires technology that is available only with the policing forces and the intelligence. But the ability to find people to influence them (these catholic ladies) has to come from collaboration within the Catholic community or leadership with these agencies either directly indirectly. (see diagram below)


Explaination of Diagram above: The Indian Intelligence agencies are the handlers of Indian political parties. British Intelligence and their various front organizations are handlers of Indian political parties, Roman Catholic Church and also certain MNC’s. So using the staff and people associated with the Indian political parties, Roman Catholic Church and also certain MNC’s they can “MULTIPLY THEIR FORCE” and track and influence people, this utilization of humans to gather intelligence is called as HUMINT (Human Intelligence)

Intelligence agencies have the ability to tap phones (and they even do it illegally) so I won’t be surprised, if my phone conversation with the prospective brides were tapped.

Catholic leadership will know people in their parish and with a few phone calls will be able to identify who knows that person well enough. i.e. who is their family friend etc. Now if a priest gives negative information about a prospective groom and asks that friend to tell that family for its own good. How can that family friend refuse?

So in this way at least 10% of all the prospective brides were turned away (from me) (the percentage could be much more, this is my guesstimate). This happened till I got married in 2010 (age 39). Which means even when I was working in I-Flex from 2004 to 2008 (age 33 – 37), or jobless from 2008 – 2009 (age 37 – 38)or when I was working in Infrasoft Tech from 2009 till I got married in 2010 (age 39). The same thing i.e. smear campaign was going on in the Church and Social circles. (i.e. from 28 – 39 years there as a smear campaign against my name and it was hell bent on ruining my chances of getting married)

Today it all fits in, the things that did not make any sense at that time, make absolute sense now. Some years ago a Roman Catholic colleague from the Legion of Mary was staring at me strangely. Then the Roman Catholic wife of my friend was staring at me strangely at the funeral of her father-in-law. Later a Roman Catholic relative of that lady, asked me “Hope you are not going to take over our world”. Another Roman Catholic friend and his girl friend were staring at me and smiling strangely. At that time I was bewildered at why they were staring at me. Today I know, their actions was the result of the smear campaign that was unleashed against me,  by “The Enemy” (Activities of the Enemy which were supported by the Church).

Today (2017, age 46 yrs) people who I don’t know at all or have never ever met before (from Mahim, the place I used to live before), seem to know about me and have a very negative opinion about me.

But hey, I have never ever met them and what they have heard about me is absolutely false. This is the effect of the smear campaign of 19+ years conducted by (THE ENEMY) in the Church and Social Circles in Mahim, the place I used to live before marriage (i.e. before 2010).

To me it seems “The enemy” has a great amount of influence in the Roman Catholic Church leadership. i.e. Bishops and Cardinals seem to do things that are not in the interest of the laity, they do these things under the influence of “The enemy”.

megaphoneAnswer: This is  the working out of the “Silent Secret War on Citizens” i.e. the SS War on Citizens. i.e. the fascist raising its ugly head again. I was a Targeted Individual, a harassed and persecuted individual a victim of their smear and hate campaign.

IV. Started working at I-Flex (part of Citibank), now OFSS  (a part of Oracle) in Year 2004  [ My Age 33 yrs ].


I was looking for both marriage partner and a new job, I didn’t get a marriage partner at that time but I got a new job i.e. I got selected for I-Flex (Now OFSS) The year was 2004 (age 33 years).

Note this was the 2nd MNC related company after working for WNS. I-Flex was related to Citibank (American Transnational Banking Giant) so they selected me to work for them.

Today I-flex is called as OFSS – Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd and is now controlled by Oracle (a database software MNC)

Since I got a job with an MNC life would be fun at least career wise that’s what I hoped (since marriage wise not was working out)

So let’s see what my move to I-Flex (related to MNC Citibank) would have on my life ….. To be continued.



During the years from 2001 to 2004, I suppose THE ENEMY was not able to harass me at work, they were able to sabotage partially my marriage search efforts. They were able to gain ground in the Church and Roman Catholic social circles of life. This points to the hand of the Roman Catholic people priest and laity being complicit with the enemy. I realized this shocking connection much later, but I am glad I realized it, many people go to the grave without realizing it.



1999 to 2001 (My age 28 – 30 years) Jobless and started a small business, received taunts from friends about being a business tycoon and was evicted from the premises where the classes was conducted by Mr Melky Alvares and Fr Agnelo Gracias (now Bishop)

2001 to 2004 (My age 30 – 33 years) worked for Citizen Coop Bank (now Citizen Credit Coop Bank) there was rumours slowly trickling in about me, management too were fed with rumours, but management was stable and they did not harass me.

2001 – 2010 (My age 30 – 39 years) Searching for a life partner, I could now tell that somebody was sabotaging my search for a life partner, there was smear campaign against my name and the Roman Catholic church both priests and laity were guilty.


0_ Background to the SS War on Citizens [i.e. Organised Human Hunting. i.e. Persecution (Targeting)]

 Introduction to the Silent Secret War on Citizens [Persecution (Targeting)].

We are now living in a era of a POLICE STATE, or just on the way to becoming a police state, there are cameras everywhere, all our movements can be tracked. Then we have our bio metric details linked to our financial transactions, so all our financial transactions can be tracked.

The ENEMY is working on SELF DRIVEN CARS. We will soon have an internet of things, which means all the devices in our homes which run on electricity will have a chip embedded in them.

Hence all data about you, what you store in your fridge, how cold you like the air conditioner to be set etc all such details will be available to those who have the power.

They will not only have the information, they will also have the power to turn on/off your AC, Fridge even Car remotely.

i.e. They will be able to KNOW about every little aspect of your life and CONTROL every aspect of your life.

You will have no place to run.

This will happen within the next 30 years. i.e. before 2047. If your are 25 years today, you will be 55 years around that time and this LIFE will be your prison.

I call these powerful people as “THE ENEMY”, the world calls them the “ELITE(By  world calls it “…” . I am trying to tell you that, if you want to search on the Internet, use the words the world uses, e.g. when using google use the words “Elite” , “Targeted Individual” etc dont use the words I am using)

“THE ENEMY” or “THE ELITE” are the people (Secret Council) who are conducting, organising and permitting this war on the Citizens of this planet, through their (citizens) nations own secret service and their (citizens) own government, aided and helped in their mission by Corporates and MNC’s that are under the influence and owned directly or indirectly by the “THE ELITE” or people who serve the “ELITE”.

This war is the Silent Secret War on Citizens” i.e. “SS War on Citizens”, hope the pun is not lost “SS” invokes a Nazi or Fascist image. And what luck they conduct the war and operate in a similar (Fascist) manner.

In the buildup to such a Police state; “THE ENEMY” are slowly but surely building and testing technology and weapons to test people. They also employ Psychological tactics as weapons, this is called Operational Psychology and was used in East Germany by the Stasi i.e. Secret police of East Germany during the period 1950 – 1989.

This program was called “Zersetzung” which means “Bio degradtion“, and that is what the program did. It slowly and steadily destroyed and degraded the lives of people and sometimes even killed them.

Today the same evil is practised in USA, Canada, Western Europe, Scandinavia etc and today instead of the word “Zersetzung” the word “Gang Stalking” or “Targeted Individual” is used. Both have similar meaning.

The person who does the “Gang Stalking” is called the “Perpetrator” and the person on who this evil is done is called the “Targeted Individual” or “TI”. I’d like to call this person as “Persecuted Individual

Both the person who is persecuted i.e. “Persecuted Person” and the surrounding people (I will call them “Ambient People” i.e. People the Persecuted Person interacts with wont understand the “OPERATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY” tactics that are employed against them.

This is similar to how a magician tricks people, even educated people are fooled by a magician. So your education is no defence against the tactics used (by THE ENEMY)

The Perpetrator is generally employed by an agency that is State run i.e. (Govt run) , these operations are mostly linked to the nations Internal Police or Secret Police. In India I link these activities to the Intelligence Bureau”.

The Perpetrators use their influence in Politics, Religion, Police and the Government bodies to harass innocent people.

Take a look at the life of a Persecuted Person, a brief description in the video below.


Open your eyes.

Every little work is being automated, go walk into any decent sized bank and you will see that the function of the cashier has been automated by the ATM. The work of passbook entry has also been automated. Some banks have gone in for Internet Banking, soon the booking of Fixed Deposits will be permitted through the net, similarly Loan could also be requested and disburse through the net. Hence there will be a drastic fall in jobs. There will be no need for people.

The same thing will happen in other industries, with the wide spread use of Robotics. There will once again be massive job losses.

What will all the jobless people do? They “THE ENEMY” has a final solution for this situation. They will kill a large percentage of the worlds population.

Do you not believe this?

Have you heard about the “Georgia Guidestones”, do you know what is written on these stones?


Message on the Georgia Guidestone.

A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

(point 1 says 1/2 a billion, right now we are around 7+ billion people on this planet, which means that they plan to kill 6.5+ billion people)


Revelation Chapter : 6

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

And I saw that the Lamb had opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures, as it were the voice of thunder, saying: Come, and see.

And I saw: and behold a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and there was a crown given him, and he went forth conquering that he might conquer.

  • This indicates an attempt to spread (Falsified) Christianity sprinkled with truth across the world, this is already going on, look at all the TV channels

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature, saying: Come, and see.

And there went out another horse that was red: and to him that sat thereon, it was given that he should take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another, and a great sword was given to him.

  • This indicates that there will be war across the whole planet and there will be a lot of killing of humans.

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying: Come, and see. And behold a black horse, and he that sat on him had a pair of scales in his hand.

And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying: Two pounds of wheat for a penny, and thrice two pounds of barley for a penny, and see thou hurt not the wine and the oil.

  • This indicates there will be shortages of food, or maybe famine.

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature, saying: Come, and see.

And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him. And power was given to him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

  • This to my mind indicates that, all who survive the first three attack will face this deadly attack, there will be death and also various pandemics (i guess) that will kill a lot of people.


But why is it necessary to kill most of the worlds population, as part of the plan for the NEW WORLD ORDER?

The reason is this; the main architects of the NEW WORLD ORDER are actually very few in number and very very weak. They control the whole world through intermediaries and never directly.

No one kills them today; as most of the world does not know about any Conspiracy theory. The vast majority of the people do not know what is happening.

Then there are those who have heard about Conspiracy Theory; but do not believe in it.

Then there are those who believe in Conspiracy theory; but are also caught in the deception and lies spread about this conspiracy. And there is no actionable information in the conspiracy theory. Nobody know who are the people to be destroyed in order to stop the NEW WORLD ORDER for coming into existence.

But all this will change, when the NEW WORLD ORDER finally comes into existence. The whole world will see who their masters really are; there is a strong possibility of rebellion or revolution against the NEW WORLD ORDER.

So in order to remove the possibility of any rebellion or revolution against them; they have planned the demise of most of the population.

So on one hand they will have Artificial Intelligence and other technologies like drones, computers on their side. On the opposite side the world will have a depleted and dying people too weak to fight their oppressors.

In this way; they can, not only easily rule, but the true wealth of the all the earth will be truly their to enjoy. This is what their plan is; but what our LORD EESHO MESSHIAH says is that they will be destroyed suddenly.

So all their plans will be nullified and they will find their places in Hell.

So this is what I have to say to the so called Elite, your planning and scheming will be brought to naught; just when you think you have won the war.


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